Thursday, May 9, 2013

"Old Sports" and Regular Southern Bells

I have cool friends, some of which decided to start a book club this Spring and Summer. The first book we are reading is called "The Great Gatsby". I've never read it but aparently it's one of those books they make you read in grade school and that everyone but me knows about.

If you'd like to read the book for yourself, you can access the online version here.

In preparation for the book club we were to read the first four chapters (I read two) but there were few in the group who made it through them all. My dear friend Ashley and I decided to dress for the occasion complete with matching skirt and shirt, and adorable sun hats (I'd like to call special attention to Ashley's sun hat as we spent 45 minutes looking for it and were late to the book club meeting. As you can see, it was so worth it).

Book club was a huge success complete with stripped straws, plum colored cups, pleasantly pink lemonade, deep thoughts, thought provoking questions and a "butt load of bagels"-Andrew Lamprecht, club president.

April Showers Bring May... Ducks?

Once upon a time I was walking on campus and I saw two ducks sitting on the grass. A few days later as I was walking home from school, I looked to my right and there they were. Ducks, sitting right on the front lawn of my apartment complex (I'm going to assume they were tow of the same ducks I saw on campus). What a lovely and grin evoking sight. (And I'm so glad the Mr. and Mrs. travel in a pair.)

Hot off the Press!

Whoooo, well, as you can see, it's been a while since my last post. I finished finals but the next week I started school back up again with my Spring semester classes. I'm taking a media writing class and a principles of journalism class. It's busy because since the semester is shorter they pack a weeks worth of material into one class, and the classes are usually 2-4 hours long, twice a week. It's a bit exhausting doing that and working, especially at 7 and 8 in the morning, but I like it, I'm happy.

The content in the classes itself has been a little more difficult than I've anticipated. Writing's always come pretty naturally to me but in these classes you have to worry about all the rules and the story structure and the word choice and the way you phrase your sentence etc. etc. etc.. It's tough stuff sometimes. But it's not too bad and I'm learning.

The other thing that has been different for me is not being able to just write and write and write whatever I want. I like creative writing. I like taking words and manipulating them to say what I want them to say. I like being able to use big descriptive adjectives and trying to sound like I'm more smart and refined than I actually am. In Journalism, they just want the facts and they want it in as few words as possible.

The other day I got to report on a session of Women's Conference. I felt so cool walking right on up the the front of the line, flashing that fancy pass of mine and walking right on in. I sat right up front on the side so I could have a good view of the speaker as well as the audience. I interviewed a woman in the audience and I felt so cool being able to say "I'm a reporter..." although it felt a wee bit unnatural. I kinda felt like I was a little kid again, playing dress up, but it was still really fun!

Here's where you can view the article I wrote: