Thursday, June 27, 2013


I just want to take a minute to pay quick tribute to one of the greatest television shows ever made. It's got humor, morals, emotion, an easily traceable plot and it's enjoyable for the entire family, among other things. That's right, it's...

The Cosby Show often was my summer back in high school and now that I'm working at a computer 20 hours a week, often with nothing to do and in a room with only one co-worker, I made an incredible discovery. The Cosby Show on youtube. They have full episodes all the way from season 1 up to season 8. What a happy day!

Not only is Bill Cosby a uniquely comical genius, but I really admire the relationships this television show portrays. The marital relationship between Claire and Cliff Huxtable seems so open, fun and loving. Same with the relationship between them and their children. They can joke around and have fun with each other, and they are slow to take offense. They argue just like any other family, but you can tell that they really do love and support each other. The parents teach their children independence and give them opportunities to grow while still being there to guide, protect and support them.

Well, that's enough of a promotion for this television classic. For your enjoyment, I have included a clip of one of the many moments of hilarity found in The Cosby Show.


Monday, June 3, 2013

My Brynnie T

What a weekend. Saturday was a blessed day filled with so much joy and love. My longtime friend, Brynne Johnson Turville got married this weekend in the Salt Lake LDS temple for time and all eternity. What a blessing it is to know that families can be together forever. It honestly was the perfect day. I know that most every couple is happy when they get married, but Brynne and Adam just seemed to be on cloud nine. They seemed to be completely filled with so much joy and I couldn't help but be extremely happy for them.

The Beautiful Bride and her friends.
Old Roomies

They were married in the afternoon, and had a reception that evening in Brynne's parent's backyard. It was simply magical. From the exquisite floral arrangements to the stunning photographs of the couple, to the live band, the incredible catered food, the breathtaking yard, and the pleasing company, I'd say this wedding was an immense success.

I even got to see and spend some time with one of my dearest friends, Miss Lena Nicole Gibb. We met in the 7th grade and from then, our friendship took off. We don't get to see one another much now that we're both grown-ups with jobs and school, but when we do reunite, it's a special occasion.

Forever Friends
These are just the only photos from the wedding that I have access to at the moment (thanks facebook!) but hopefully more will come soon. In the meantime, check out Brynne's photographer's Blog. She seriously did an incredible job so if any of you are looking for a photographer for any occasion, check her out!

Little Things That Make Me Happy

An unexpected text from an unexpected person...Feeling the sun on my skin....Having a tan line...Deep and meaningful conversations...Getting to know someone on a deeper level...Road trips...Dancing...Naps...Finishing homework...Checking things off a To-Do list...Homemade meals...Sit down, family style dinners...Finding ways to avoid paying to do laundry...Rollerblading...Learning how to long board...Riding down a hill, sitting on a long board...Music...Making new friends...Laughing...Funny YouTube Videos...Weddings...Reunions...Catching up with old friends...Learning something new...finding money...New clothes...FuNnY jOkEs...Emails and letters from missionaries...succeeding...Family Time...SuPrIsEs...Ice Cream and FroYo...Finding a new, great song that I love...Eating Ice cream out of the carton...COUPONS...Discounts...Sales...Free stuff...Classes getting cancelled last minute...Driving/Riding in a car with the windows down...the funny things kids say