1. Your main/only method of transportation is a bus.
2. You accidentally tell your parents on the phone to "Have a great evening."
3. It's warm if it's over 50 degrees outside.
4. Free shipping isn't actually free.
5. 5 dollar footlongs don't exist where you are.
6. You use vague words like "potenially" and "shortly".
7. You hardly ever have any idea what day it is.\
8. You call (insert day of the week here) "my friday".
9. You sometimes have two 'Fridays' in one week.
10. You can go over a week without having a 'Friday'.
11. You sometimes tell the time of day by the train horn.
12. It's a special day if it's not chicken for dinner.
13.Employee appreciation day means hot dogs for dinner.
14. You don't ask if you'll have potatoes for breakfast/lunch/dinner, you ask "In what form?".
15. You feel like you're best friends with people you've never met.
16. You talk with your hands a lot.
17. You consider age 50 to be 'young'.
19. A $10 burger is a pretty good deal.
20. You know someone everywhere you go.
21. You hear the same questions at least 10 times each day.
22. You wear a coat/jacket about 80% of the time.
23. You consider your co-workers family and might even refer to one of them as your "baby bother".
24. Things like Phone Rez, EDR, TWT and DNHT mean something to you.
25. A day consisting of a helicopter ride or rafting trip is normal.