Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Few Updates

So, for this post I think I'm going to play a bit of catch up...

Item #1 on the agenda: Sugar Fast.
Well, I'm still on this, but I haven't been super strict with it. I didn't know how strict I planned to be and I figured I'd just play it by ear, but the result has basically ended up being me not eating any cookies, candy, cake, ice cream, or other dessert type things (unless my friend begs me to take just one sip of his slushie, then I wouldn't want to offend him right?). To be honest, I feel like I've been doing pretty well, and it hasn't been incredibly hard for me. There was one night that I was at Wendy's (or as I like to call it "Wendy's House") with my gal pals and all I wanted in life was a vanilla frosty, but I held out strong! Sometimes I'll just forget that I'm not eating desserts and I'll instinctively reach for a bite of cookie dough or a Starburst, but someone must love me up there because I always remember just in time. Also, instead of going until April 10th, I've decided to end my dessert/treat fast on this Sunday. My mom has planned to have a family dinner for all the April birthdays and what kind of birthday party would it be if I couldn't eat the cake and ice cream? I've already called my mother with a request for dessert, strawberry shortcake with angel food cake. Yum!!! I can hardly wait.

#2: Remember how I posted about my new niece Ella? Well, I have another one now. Yeah, that's right, I'm an aunt of 15 now! Whoot whoot! It's actually getting super hard to keep track of them and I love them all but having so many kinda is sad because they're all spread out all over and I just keep being reminded of how hard it's going to be to maintain a personal relationship with each of them. That's something that I really want to try really really hard to do though. If there's one thing I'm proud of in my life, and that I feel like I've done pretty well with, it's being a good aunt. It's something that I work fairly hard at and that is extremely important to me. Oh, and my sister is pregnant with her FIRST! CRAZY huh? That means that my younger brother and I are the not only the only two siblings in the family that are unmarried, but we're also the only ones without children.

#3: Speaking of my younger brother, HE GETS HIS MISSION CALL THIS WEEK!!! I can hardly hardly wait for him!!! I am SO excited!!! I think this is the most excited I've been for any of my siblings (no offense) just because I understand the whole mission thing so much more, and when you're the last two at home, you spend a lot of time together which means you fight a lot, but you also get pretty close. I sure do love that boy with all of my heart and as excited and proud as I am of him, it's going to be hard to see him go.

#4: I've gone rollerblading about 10 times since my spring fever post.

#5: Now this one's really important... In about  8 days... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! Well wishes, compliments, praises and words of admiration are heartily accepted along with gifts and acts of servitude (just kidding). But it very much is my birthday soon so just make sure that you have the best day ever!


  1. You really are an amazing aunt. That is one of the many perks of being a Bradshaw --my kids get to have you as an aunt!

  2. Thanks so much Tim, that really means a lot to hear. Emi is so blessed to have you as a dad and my kids will be so lucky to get to have YOU as an uncle.
