Thursday, March 21, 2013


It was this guy's birthday on Monday...

and he turned the big 22!!!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with those dashing pearly whited and that fantastic nose and jaw structure, this is my cousin, Paul Tyler Bradshaw.

Paul and I have been close pals as long as I can remember. Our extended family has always been pretty close so family parties were not a rarity. We cousins always had so much fun playing with each other that we dreaded having to go home and part ways. To avoid this unthinkable event, we would hide in each other's cars, and try our best to be as silent as possible until we arrived at the home of whoever's vehicle it was we were in. We thought we were so stealthy and sly but looking back, I realize that our parents probably knew all along.

My Grandma always tells me about how much I adored Paul growing up. She told me that when we would come over for dinner and she was fixing my plate, she'd ask me about the menu option and if I wanted to eat them. My answer was almost always "Well, is Paul having that?" Talk about obsessed... 

Although Paul and I are almost a year apart in age, we were in the same grade in school and had the opportunity to attend the very same high school.We both enrolled in an AP Calculus class which was about the death of me and I almost dropped it, pretty much every day, but it's a good thing I didn't because through it, Paul and I were able to become closer friends. Paul, our friend Andrew and I did homework together at my house almost every single day for hours. Although Calculus is terrible, I had fun with Paul and Andrew and those are now some fun memories to look back on. 

Paul left for two years on a mission to Chile, and is now back and in Provo! It's so fun to have so many family members so close. 

Anyway, Happy Birthday Paul! You are such a wonderful cousin and I'm so glad to have you. Love ya!!!

Young Paul. He's the second from the right.
Paul and his pal Dan. Yes, they are wearing make-up.
The only picture I could really find of Paul and I. I just hope I've blossomed since then...
No words needed.
Look at that soft smile and those sharp blades!

Snake Charmer. He's even better at charming the ladies...

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