Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Instagram Recap

So I'm lame, and I looked online for ideas of things to blog about. One suggestion was an "Instagram Dump" where you just put on your blog all of your photos from Instagram. Well, people love pics...

Instaram: sarbrads

Disclaimer: This post does not contain all of the pictures on my instagram, nor are the pictures up to the pristine filtered status that Instaram allows me post them at. Anywho... Enjoy!

Second Disclaimer: The captions under the pics are those that were used on Instagram.

Tbt to the Angels game last week #firstpost #firstmajorleaguegame #laangelsofaneheim

Missing this Elder already! See ya in two! #knoxviletennesse #elderbradshaw #siblings @tbradshaw8

Just really missin this boy today. #elderbradshaw #lilbro #tennesseknoxvillemission #i<3pday

Andy Grammer and Karmin at redfest Friday night was great! #crazybeautiful #keepyourheadup #acapella

We're never quite sure who the third wheel is. #lovetriangle #awkwardthreesome #afterdatecrew #helovesher #sheloveshim #ilovethemboth #bradshawcharm

There's no denying it, winter is fast approaching... #snowinseptember #weskippedfall #mynephewslippedonice

Take a trip with me down memory lane... #flashbacktoelementaryschooldays #haventdonethatinyears #nynephewiscool #familytimeatthecabin

Just thought I'd treat you all to a fairly recent pic of the babe we currently call Sister Smith #myfavoriteginger #nevadalasvegasmission #missherlikecrazy #almostsixonthsdown #october2014 #colony2014

I guess you could say I had a pretty good weekend. #stgeorge #dayinlasvegas #nanashouse #itsanannualthing

Welcome to the world Brooklynn Amelia Richards! I can't wait to meet you!! #loveheralready #missherbeforeiveevenmether #auntforthe16thtime #congratsamyandjon #ilovemybrooklynnbabe

I may be a little biased, but he's definitely the best looking, greatest elder out there! #missingmybro #eldertbradshaw #lessthan22monthstogo #iheartpday #nashvillefilterseemedappropriate #tennesseknoxvillemission #hesgrownupsomuchalready

In all reality, what Elder couldn't use a letter? In his own words, "WRITE AWAY!" #eldertbradshaw #tennesseknoxvillemission

Elder Tyler Brian Bradshaw
Tennessee Knoxville Mission
11320 Station West Dr Ste 101
Farragut, TN 37934

Enjoy peeps!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

"Children are Angels of God in Disguise"

This is Brooklynn.

She is the newest member of the Bradshaw clan. Born to Amy and Jon Richards early in the morning on Friday, October 18th 2013, she has stolen my heart already before I've even had the chance to meet her.

This is Emi, and Brooklynn.

Are these not the cutest cousins you ever did see? I haven't met Brooklynn, and I don't get to see Emi often as they both live a plane ride away, but I still love them both with all of my heart. I am honestly amazed by Emi's cuteness. She's just this happy little girl, full of love and smiles.

And this...

is Precious.

Thoughts on a Sunday

Lately I've been thinking about how I really should pick up on my blogging. As life has gotten complicated and busy, blogging has been one of those things that has gotten on the back burner. I still love it though and I still love writing and blogging is something that makes me happy, and things that make us happy are often things that are worth choosing to pursue. 

As I was poking around on Facebook today, I came across this video, I HIGHLY encourage you to watch it. Wow, what powerful images and messages this video conveys. For those of you who don't know me, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The members of our church are also known as "Mormons". This nickname comes from our belief in a book called the Book of Mormon. It is a book of scripture that was divinely inspired and created to be a companion to the Bible and to convey doctrines of the LDS Church, outline God's plan for his children while they are here on this earth, an help men know what they need to do to be able to feel peace in this life, and to gain eternal salvation in the next.

I'm grateful for the existence of the Book of Mormon and I know that it is true.

Happy Sabbath!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

"Cast Not Away Therefore Thy Confidence"

If you haven't ever watched, read or listened to this talk, you should. Especially if you are in the same stage of life as I am of making many big decisions and figuring out what to do with your life. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013


I just want to take a minute to pay quick tribute to one of the greatest television shows ever made. It's got humor, morals, emotion, an easily traceable plot and it's enjoyable for the entire family, among other things. That's right, it's...

The Cosby Show often was my summer back in high school and now that I'm working at a computer 20 hours a week, often with nothing to do and in a room with only one co-worker, I made an incredible discovery. The Cosby Show on youtube. They have full episodes all the way from season 1 up to season 8. What a happy day!

Not only is Bill Cosby a uniquely comical genius, but I really admire the relationships this television show portrays. The marital relationship between Claire and Cliff Huxtable seems so open, fun and loving. Same with the relationship between them and their children. They can joke around and have fun with each other, and they are slow to take offense. They argue just like any other family, but you can tell that they really do love and support each other. The parents teach their children independence and give them opportunities to grow while still being there to guide, protect and support them.

Well, that's enough of a promotion for this television classic. For your enjoyment, I have included a clip of one of the many moments of hilarity found in The Cosby Show.


Monday, June 3, 2013

My Brynnie T

What a weekend. Saturday was a blessed day filled with so much joy and love. My longtime friend, Brynne Johnson Turville got married this weekend in the Salt Lake LDS temple for time and all eternity. What a blessing it is to know that families can be together forever. It honestly was the perfect day. I know that most every couple is happy when they get married, but Brynne and Adam just seemed to be on cloud nine. They seemed to be completely filled with so much joy and I couldn't help but be extremely happy for them.

The Beautiful Bride and her friends.
Old Roomies

They were married in the afternoon, and had a reception that evening in Brynne's parent's backyard. It was simply magical. From the exquisite floral arrangements to the stunning photographs of the couple, to the live band, the incredible catered food, the breathtaking yard, and the pleasing company, I'd say this wedding was an immense success.

I even got to see and spend some time with one of my dearest friends, Miss Lena Nicole Gibb. We met in the 7th grade and from then, our friendship took off. We don't get to see one another much now that we're both grown-ups with jobs and school, but when we do reunite, it's a special occasion.

Forever Friends
These are just the only photos from the wedding that I have access to at the moment (thanks facebook!) but hopefully more will come soon. In the meantime, check out Brynne's photographer's Blog. She seriously did an incredible job so if any of you are looking for a photographer for any occasion, check her out!

Little Things That Make Me Happy

An unexpected text from an unexpected person...Feeling the sun on my skin....Having a tan line...Deep and meaningful conversations...Getting to know someone on a deeper level...Road trips...Dancing...Naps...Finishing homework...Checking things off a To-Do list...Homemade meals...Sit down, family style dinners...Finding ways to avoid paying to do laundry...Rollerblading...Learning how to long board...Riding down a hill, sitting on a long board...Music...Making new friends...Laughing...Funny YouTube Videos...Weddings...Reunions...Catching up with old friends...Learning something new...finding money...New clothes...FuNnY jOkEs...Emails and letters from missionaries...succeeding...Family Time...SuPrIsEs...Ice Cream and FroYo...Finding a new, great song that I love...Eating Ice cream out of the carton...COUPONS...Discounts...Sales...Free stuff...Classes getting cancelled last minute...Driving/Riding in a car with the windows down...the funny things kids say

Thursday, May 9, 2013

"Old Sports" and Regular Southern Bells

I have cool friends, some of which decided to start a book club this Spring and Summer. The first book we are reading is called "The Great Gatsby". I've never read it but aparently it's one of those books they make you read in grade school and that everyone but me knows about.

If you'd like to read the book for yourself, you can access the online version here.

In preparation for the book club we were to read the first four chapters (I read two) but there were few in the group who made it through them all. My dear friend Ashley and I decided to dress for the occasion complete with matching skirt and shirt, and adorable sun hats (I'd like to call special attention to Ashley's sun hat as we spent 45 minutes looking for it and were late to the book club meeting. As you can see, it was so worth it).

Book club was a huge success complete with stripped straws, plum colored cups, pleasantly pink lemonade, deep thoughts, thought provoking questions and a "butt load of bagels"-Andrew Lamprecht, club president.

April Showers Bring May... Ducks?

Once upon a time I was walking on campus and I saw two ducks sitting on the grass. A few days later as I was walking home from school, I looked to my right and there they were. Ducks, sitting right on the front lawn of my apartment complex (I'm going to assume they were tow of the same ducks I saw on campus). What a lovely and grin evoking sight. (And I'm so glad the Mr. and Mrs. travel in a pair.)

Hot off the Press!

Whoooo, well, as you can see, it's been a while since my last post. I finished finals but the next week I started school back up again with my Spring semester classes. I'm taking a media writing class and a principles of journalism class. It's busy because since the semester is shorter they pack a weeks worth of material into one class, and the classes are usually 2-4 hours long, twice a week. It's a bit exhausting doing that and working, especially at 7 and 8 in the morning, but I like it, I'm happy.

The content in the classes itself has been a little more difficult than I've anticipated. Writing's always come pretty naturally to me but in these classes you have to worry about all the rules and the story structure and the word choice and the way you phrase your sentence etc. etc. etc.. It's tough stuff sometimes. But it's not too bad and I'm learning.

The other thing that has been different for me is not being able to just write and write and write whatever I want. I like creative writing. I like taking words and manipulating them to say what I want them to say. I like being able to use big descriptive adjectives and trying to sound like I'm more smart and refined than I actually am. In Journalism, they just want the facts and they want it in as few words as possible.

The other day I got to report on a session of Women's Conference. I felt so cool walking right on up the the front of the line, flashing that fancy pass of mine and walking right on in. I sat right up front on the side so I could have a good view of the speaker as well as the audience. I interviewed a woman in the audience and I felt so cool being able to say "I'm a reporter..." although it felt a wee bit unnatural. I kinda felt like I was a little kid again, playing dress up, but it was still really fun!

Here's where you can view the article I wrote:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Finally Finished Finals!!!

Finals this time around were actually not too bad for me. I had 2 finals that I had to take in the testing center, which I actually took in the auditorium of the JSB (Joseph Smith Building). During finals week BYU turns the auditorium in that building, and a large room in the student center into extensions of the testing center, and there still end up being lines that are over an hour long. (BYU Testing center: the only place people will stand in line for hours to do something they don't want to do.) One of these finals went really well and the other, not so well. But, that's okay. I'm done, and hopefully I'll never have to take a statistics test again.

My other two finals, one I had to write a paper for, and the other I was able to choose from a list of 'activities' then write a 1-2 page paper on what you did and email it to the teacher. Neither of these finals were very hard, and I kind of even enjoyed myself while doing them. For the 'activity' one I chose to "strengthen intergenerational ties" by reading in my family history book.

I read about my great great grandpa and grandma, Johan Henrik Bergstedt and Charolette Marie Mathiasson Bergstedt. It was so interesting to me to learn more about their lives and their personalities. It made me appreciate them a lot more and want to learn more about them. I also would really like to learn more about my ancestors and ancestry in Norway, and take a trip there to go and see all the places I learn about.

Well, I have work today and tomorrow, then my sister's graduation on Friday, then moving Saturday, then dentist appointment Monday, then school starts back up again for Spring semester on Tuesday. What a relaxing break, eh? It's fine though because I actually really enjoy having things to do and ways to fill my time so I'm not just wasting it.

Anyway, that's it for this post! Good luck to the rest of you students who're still powering through the rest of your finals. I BELIEVE IN YOU!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Beyonce Ain't Got Nuttin' on Her

I just want to take a minute to express my appreciation for a girl in my life who has made such a difference for me and who is always building me up and helping me to become the kind of person I want to be. From puppying to soft kisses to hilarious texting conversations to family dinners and lots lots more. That's right ladies and gents, I'm referring to Miss Ashley Holt! (She's currently single boys, and the most eligible bachelorette in Provo so snag her while you can!)

Ash and I at the splendid b-day party she and Shea threw for me
Ashley is honestly one of the most amazing and inspiring people I know. She somehow does it all, and I mean that literally. She's a sterling scholar, a dating dynamite, church champ, an internship intelligent, a party planning pixie and she still manages to be pretty much the best friend in the entire world. I honestly don't know how she does it all and she does it all well.
Girls night at Ash's family's condo in PC
Ashley honestly always takes such good care of me. She makes sure that I'm invited to everything and encourages me, sometimes almost forces me to engage in social activities because she knows I'll love it and I'm grateful for that. She introduces me to so many good friends and always gives the best introductions, helping my first impressions go better, so long as I don't mess them up.

I don't know if I've ever been complimented as much in my life as whenever I'm with Ashley. She is honestly so great at seeing all the great things in people and letting them know about them. She definitely knows how to boost someone's self esteem and confidence, and she does it in the most genuine of ways.

Shea me and Ash at my B-day party. I am honestly so grateful for these two!
Ashley is one of the most driven and hard working people I know. Whatever she does, she puts her all into it. This semester, she's successfully been a top notch relief society president, a social guru, and done swimmingly in the academic area. She never fails to try her best and to give her all and that's something that I really admire about her. Ashley is also incredibly passionate and motivated to do whatever she can to achieve her goals and see her dreams come true. She's been offered plenty of internships and she's only 21.

Have I mentioned how hilarious Ashley is? I've never laughed more than when I'm with her or Shealeigh. Ashley's laugh and mine are honestly harmonious together. I swear. We seem to be so in sync we can even finish each other's sentences and say the same words at the same time without even meaning to. She is great at cracking jokes and is so incredibly witty that I can hardly keep up with her.

Ash planned an IPod Dance party in Jerusalem and she had the hilarious idea for us all to dress up as tourists
Seriously though, this girl never ceases to amaze me and to be there for me. She has made such a difference in my life and has changed me for the better. Her example encourages me to be the best that I can be. Ash has seriously always been there for me when I've needed her. Whether it be stresses with school, boy problems, concerns about the future, exciting news, etc. etc. etc. Ashley is constantly willing to lend a listening ear and to help me think things through and to feel better when I'm down.

Ash and I at a rope swing we went to on our Jru  reunion in Bear Lake
 Not to mention Ash and I have lots of similar opinions and agree on just about everything that's important in life. We get along so well, I have to believe that we were friends before our births. She's so easy to talk to and the conversation always just flows.

Also on the retreat to Bear Lake, our Volleyball team. Isn't Ashley hilarious and also stunning?
Ash and I getting ready to do the pudding drop at the Bear Lake reunion.
This is a dang cute pic if I do say so myself.
Ash and I after the pudding drop
Ash and I like to do funny things. 
Honestly though Ash, I am so incredibly grateful for you. I don't think you will ever know just how much you mean to me and how much of a difference you've made in my life. I plan to be friends forever, legitimately, so I hope you're planning on the same. I'm always happy when I'm with you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for being one of my heroes! I love you.

Love Forever and Always,
Your Sweet SB

Friday, April 19, 2013


I know that I should be sleeping or studying right now but I can't help but feel a little nostalgic. It was a year ago that I left my home in Jerusalem and returned to my home and family here in America. They always tell you that home is where the heart is but who knew that your heart can be in so many places at once. Here are a few pics lol of my time spend abroad. If you want to learn more in depth about my experience, you can read about it here.

Hanging out with the Abu Lafi Family. These people are some of the most generous and compassionate people I've ever met.
Me and my Jerusalem roommates getting ready for Arab Culture night.
Me at the birthplace of Christ
Outside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre 
Inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Door to the Church of the Nativity
Inside the Church of the Nativity
Beautiful sunset on a hike in the Golan Heights
Me at the Dome of the Rock
A shop in the old city

She Was Called to Serve and Now She's Off

In case you haven't read my most recent post preceding this one, let me give you a little background. My best friend is named Shealeigh Smith. She has made the choice to serve a mission for the LDS Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), also known as the Mormons. Shealeigh does not have to dedicate these two years to spreading the gospel. No one told her that it was required of her or even requested that she do this. She personally made that choice with help from the Lord. If you want to know more about Shealeigh, and why she made the choice to serve, click here. Shea is such a good example to me of living the gospel and simply preaching it in the way you live, the way you love others and everything you do.

Here's a few pics we snapped before walking out the door and saying goodbye to the incredible Sister Smith for the next 18 months.

Ash, Shea, Me and Letty. Boy will Ash and I miss these Girls. Shealeigh entered the MTC yesterday to serve her mission in Las Vegas and Letty will be leaving on a mission to Bolivia in a few weeks.

Last Pic with SheaBay before she's off to spread the good word. I miss her a ton already (I've already sent her two letters and she hasn't even been gone a full two days) but I am so grateful for her willing sacrifice and I know that she'll be blessed for her courage and desire to serve the Lord.
If you are interested with meeting with missionaries like Shealeigh in your area, click here. Or, you can chat with them online by clicking here.

I am so grateful for the choice I've made to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, to live by it's teachings, and to be obedient to the teachings and council of it's leaders. I know that it is the true church, established by men who were inspired by God and who acted as servants in his hands. This Gospel has brought so much joy into my life and it can do the same for you.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dear Sister Smith,

Tomorrow my very best friend, Shealeigh Elizabeth Smith will enter the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah to further prepare herself to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She has been called to serve in the Nevada, Las Vegas mission, preaching the gospel in the English language. I am so excited for her, and so proud of her for making the decision to serve the Lord.

Shea and I at her mission call opening
She makes me so happy!
We loft whispers, secrets, and soft kisses
Me, Shea, and Ash. These two girls matter so much to me and have changed my life.
She makes me laugh and cry (but the best kind of cry) but mostly she makes me laugh more than anyone else. 

Shealeigh is one of the most incredible people I've ever met. From her I have learned so much and been able to grow a ton as well. She is so much of who and what I want to become.

Shealeigh is one of the most caring and selfless people I know. She's constantly looking for ways to serve others and to make their lives better. She feels immediate compassion toward people she doesn't even know, and immediately looks for ways that she can make their life better.

Shealeigh is a big reason why I've become the person I am today. As time went on in Jerusalem, Shea and I got closer and closer and began to spend more and more time together. Shealeigh helped me to feel so comfortable with myself and so confident. I began to care less and less about what others think of me. Shea brought out such a fun and carefree side of me. People began to say things to me like "I don't know who you are anymore" or "Where did this come from?" That side of me was always there, but it was always too scared to show until Shealeigh.

Letty, Vladi (Cuzin), Shea, Me and Tucker modeling on the shores of the Sea of Galilee
Shea, Stu Bev and Me
We like to show people how much we love them.
(only on the cheek of course)
Backwards hat day was definitely something to remember
All the pals cruzin' round the city. We made a stop in at a church.
At Emilie's Bridal Shower. I'm always happy when I'm with Shealeigh.
Best Friends
We were meant to be friends
On the shores of the Sea of Galilee
One of my favorite pictures of us
Shealeigh is one of the most confident people I know and she loves herself, but in the most humble of ways. She is completely selfless and down to earth but she knows who she is and where she comes from and she recognizes her great worth in that. She is happy with who she is and wouldn't want to be anyone else. That's one of the things I love most about her.

All the pals at a summer picnic soon after our return to the USA
Me, Shea, Letty and Ash at Taco Tuesday. Letty also has her mission call. She is going to Bolivia. What will Ash and I do without them?
My cousin Jon, Me, and Shea. We Died Jon's Mustache bright blonde and Shea and I each did a little piece of our hair. Ironically mine didn't work at all although my hair is already blonde. Shea's on the other hand turned out great.
Just acting natural at the Ugly Sweater Christmas Part. Shea was the bell of the ball for sure!
Colony 2015. BFAFIL.
Shea, I want you to know how much you mean to me, and you always will. You have changed me. You have helped me figure out who I want to be and have helped me on my way to get there. My time with you is some of the most treasured of my life. I will never forget all that you've done for me. I am so proud of you and so excited for the adventures you're going to have in Las Vegas. You're going to change so many people's lives for the better, the will call your name blessed. I will write you constantly. The mail man is going to be my best friend when he brings letters from you and my worst enemy when he doesn't. Thank you for literally being the best friend that I have ever had. I love you with all of my entire heart.

She's an Angel sent to be my saving grace

Go get 'em Sister Smith!