Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dear Sister Smith,

Tomorrow my very best friend, Shealeigh Elizabeth Smith will enter the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah to further prepare herself to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She has been called to serve in the Nevada, Las Vegas mission, preaching the gospel in the English language. I am so excited for her, and so proud of her for making the decision to serve the Lord.

Shea and I at her mission call opening
She makes me so happy!
We loft whispers, secrets, and soft kisses
Me, Shea, and Ash. These two girls matter so much to me and have changed my life.
She makes me laugh and cry (but the best kind of cry) but mostly she makes me laugh more than anyone else. 

Shealeigh is one of the most incredible people I've ever met. From her I have learned so much and been able to grow a ton as well. She is so much of who and what I want to become.

Shealeigh is one of the most caring and selfless people I know. She's constantly looking for ways to serve others and to make their lives better. She feels immediate compassion toward people she doesn't even know, and immediately looks for ways that she can make their life better.

Shealeigh is a big reason why I've become the person I am today. As time went on in Jerusalem, Shea and I got closer and closer and began to spend more and more time together. Shealeigh helped me to feel so comfortable with myself and so confident. I began to care less and less about what others think of me. Shea brought out such a fun and carefree side of me. People began to say things to me like "I don't know who you are anymore" or "Where did this come from?" That side of me was always there, but it was always too scared to show until Shealeigh.

Letty, Vladi (Cuzin), Shea, Me and Tucker modeling on the shores of the Sea of Galilee
Shea, Stu Bev and Me
We like to show people how much we love them.
(only on the cheek of course)
Backwards hat day was definitely something to remember
All the pals cruzin' round the city. We made a stop in at a church.
At Emilie's Bridal Shower. I'm always happy when I'm with Shealeigh.
Best Friends
We were meant to be friends
On the shores of the Sea of Galilee
One of my favorite pictures of us
Shealeigh is one of the most confident people I know and she loves herself, but in the most humble of ways. She is completely selfless and down to earth but she knows who she is and where she comes from and she recognizes her great worth in that. She is happy with who she is and wouldn't want to be anyone else. That's one of the things I love most about her.

All the pals at a summer picnic soon after our return to the USA
Me, Shea, Letty and Ash at Taco Tuesday. Letty also has her mission call. She is going to Bolivia. What will Ash and I do without them?
My cousin Jon, Me, and Shea. We Died Jon's Mustache bright blonde and Shea and I each did a little piece of our hair. Ironically mine didn't work at all although my hair is already blonde. Shea's on the other hand turned out great.
Just acting natural at the Ugly Sweater Christmas Part. Shea was the bell of the ball for sure!
Colony 2015. BFAFIL.
Shea, I want you to know how much you mean to me, and you always will. You have changed me. You have helped me figure out who I want to be and have helped me on my way to get there. My time with you is some of the most treasured of my life. I will never forget all that you've done for me. I am so proud of you and so excited for the adventures you're going to have in Las Vegas. You're going to change so many people's lives for the better, the will call your name blessed. I will write you constantly. The mail man is going to be my best friend when he brings letters from you and my worst enemy when he doesn't. Thank you for literally being the best friend that I have ever had. I love you with all of my entire heart.

She's an Angel sent to be my saving grace

Go get 'em Sister Smith!

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