Sunday, April 14, 2013

But to me you know you'll always be, My Little Girl

Every girl is a daddy's girl in someway at sometimes. Whether she uses those big puppy dog eyes of hers to get a few extra bucks or she's sitting on the end of his bed in tears, talking with him about her latest break-up and asking for advice, every girl needs her Dad.

My dad has truly become my hero. These past couple years we have become closer than ever before. One of the things that I absolutely love and admire about my father is the way he honors and exercises the priesthood he holds.

Life is always hard but mine has seemed a little bit more difficult than usual lately. I've felt a lot of stress with decisions to be made, finals coming up, other school work, church responsibilities, money, dating, family worries, etc. etc.  With many issues, stresses and worries coming to the surface at once, I've felt a lot more anxiety than usual and it's effected my day-to-day.

Today I asked my father to give me a blessing. He is the bishop of our home ward right now so he's almost always busy, especially on Sundays. I told him that if he did not have time, I would understand and that it would be okay. Although he had been up late the night before, woke up early that morning, and had been going, going, going all day long, my dad still made time for me.

I came to the church and stepped into his office. Rather than just giving me the blessing and getting me out of there, he sat and talked with me for a while about what my worries are and how things are going. He talked with me about my future plans and helped me consider solutions. He talked with me as if each of these stresses and worries were his own. I felt so loved.

I sat down in his chair and as he stood behind me and placed his hands upon my head, I immediately felt the spirit consume me, along with immense feelings of gratitude and love toward my father. I've never fully comprehended just how blessed I am to have him in my life, and I still don't, not completely. He is truly a treasure and an example and I wouldn't have anyone in the entire world EVER take his place.

Not only is my Dad an incredibly spiritual man, he's also got a sense of humor (my mom won the jackpot right???). If I had a nickle, even just a penny really for every time I've said to my father "Dad, you're weird" I'd be a rich woman. But I love him even still. Every time I hear the words "Here she come now sayin' mony mony" or "Where's you're moma? Yeah. What's she doin? Yeah" (that last one he sings to the tune of 'Everybody' by the Backstreet Boys) the vision of my father's wonderful singing and impressive dancing plays in my head.

My dad also has the best original jokes. Whether it's his hand becoming a spider during sacrament meeting or when the waiter asks "What will we be eating tonight?" replying with "Oh, are you going to eat with us?!" his humor is pretty entertaining whether his jokes are very good or not.

My father is also one of the hardest working men I've ever known or met. He runs 2 businesses, fulfills his responsibilities as a bishop, is the greatest Papa any grandchild could ask for, an INCREDIBLE dad, a comedian, a priesthood holder, an adoring husband, and still finds time to sit down and watch netflix with me every once in a while, or come with us to Trafalga.

All in all I love my father is the greatest, and I love him with my entire heart. He's always been there for me and I hope that I can always be there for him. I'll always be his little peaches.

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