Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mrs. Mom

This weekend I've had the opportunity to babysit my brother and sister-in-law's four kids while they stole away to Vegas for the weekend. Call me crazy, but it's fun to play mom! Although this is true, one thing I've learned is that right now, I'm not quite ready to be a mother of four. I'm glad that's quite a few years off and that they usually come one at a time.

Here are just a few of the 'Momish' things I've found myself doing this weekend...

Managing multiple schedules, getting the kids dinner, basketball practice, soccer game, basketball game, laundry, baths, dressing people other than myself, brushing teeth, spills, frozen pizzas, play dates, family fun center, trading my nephew my shoes for his flip-flops so he could play lazer-tag, WeArInG a SeVeN yEaR oLd'S fLiP fLoPs, eating out, managing kids when eating out, 3 kids meals that end up half eaten, more laundry, kids climbing on railings, fruit snacks, granola bars, cereal, peeling oranges, Phineas and Ferb, Arthur, driving a mini-van, being a human coat hanger, cuddling, falling asleep on the couch, carrying a sleeping child to their bed

I'm so grateful to have nieces and nephews and to have been able to spend so much time with them all growing up. Through them I've learned a lot about mothering and been able to get a little practice in for the future. They are so sweet and make me feel so loved, and they are definitely always good for a laugh. Children truly are precious and they deserve to always be treated that way. I think the preciousness of children is often not recognized. Life truly is a gift and should not be taken for granted. Thank heavens for precious children.

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